it's 11:44 and this has gotten me out of bed.
go with it - again it's just a jumbled mess right now.
idea one
night shooting, long exposure. the shot is overlooking water. i want to somehow capture using a flash, a person walking across the surface of the water. this could be done maybe with a well timed jump from a boat, or rigged with someone standing on the bottom and supporting the person being shot. photoshop will fix up any little mistakes im sure.
this idea was the origional that has been brewing since saturday.
idea #2
night shot again, flash to capture.
first, i love this image

especially the pissed off st peter, forking over the money, "give unto Caesar that which is his..."
i see an open field, with this action in three parts - first, a group on the left, captured in a flast or two, a walk across by one, and then the money delivery on the right. playing with the intensity of the flash and people walking at angles to the camera (or curved paths) would also be interesting, i think.
BIBLE myths...
.. a good or a bad place to go?