about six months ago I was dreaming of some BIG projects that would take months to prepare for, a couple dozen guys to pull it off, and about 20 minutes to execute. I had this idea of using the road as a sort of filmstrip, and lay consecutive images about ten feet apart down on the road. The cars driving over the images would see the images appear out from under the car ahead like a flip book, automating the whole thing. I was thinking about taking photos of people doing something (at about 2-3 images a second). i wanted to project each of the high-contrasted 50 odd images, lifesize, onto paper, then cut them out. Fisty images! - i figure fifty people with a dozen paint rollers and cooperating well could lay the images down on the road in 15 minutes in the middle of the night.
and have you ever seen the images of that artist who, using chalk, lays and image down on the sidewalk that, using really precise perspective, makes it look like there are 3D people/places/or things positioned there on the road. - i was thinking about doing the same thing with little animals (bunnies, small dogs, cats, raccoons) that's appeard to be real, 3D animals on the road, and make people slow down.
two weird ideas - where are you at???